PEP: XXX Title: Generalised String Coercion Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Neil Schemenauer Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/plain Created: 02-Aug-2005 Post-History: Python-Version: 2.5 Abstract This PEP proposes the introduction of a new built-in function, text(), that provides a way of generating a string representation of an object. This function would make it easier to write library code that processes string data without forcing the use of a particular string type. Rationale Python has had a Unicode string type for some time now but use of it is not yet widespread. There is a large amount of Python code that assumes that string data is represented as str instances. The long term plan for Python is to phase out the str type and use unicode for all string data. Clearly, a smooth migration path must be provided. We need to upgrade existing libraries, written for str instances, to be made capable of operating in an all-unicode string world. We can't change to an all-unicode world until all essential libraries are made capable for it. Upgrading the libraries in one shot does not seem feasible. A more realistic strategy is to individually make the libraries capable of operating in an all-unicode world while preserving their current all-str world behavior. To achieve this, it is desirable to be able to write code that works with either string type but does not unnecessarily create unicode instances. Creating a unicode instance should only be necessary if one of the inputs is already a unicode instance. Code that receives only str inputs should produce str results. Let us label such code as str-stable. Sometimes it is simple to write str-stable code. For example, the following function just works: def appendx(s): return s + 'x' That's not too surprising since the unicode type is designed to make the task easier. The principle is that when str and unicode objects meet, the result is a unicode object. One notable difficulty arises when code requires a string representation of an object; an operation traditionally accomplished by using the str() built-in function. Replacing a str() call with a unicode() call is undesirable since it unnecessarily creates unicode instances (i.e. it is not str-stable). Also, it could raise a UnicodeDecodeError if passed a str that contains non-ASCII characters. Using a string format almost accomplishes the goal but not quite. Consider the following code: def text(obj): return '%s' % obj It behaves as desired except if 'obj' is not a basestring instance and needs to return a Unicode representation of itself. Defining a __unicode__ method does not help since it will only be called if the right-hand operand is a unicode instance. Using a unicode instance for the right-hand operand does not work because the function is no longer str-stable. Specification A Python implementation of the text() built-in follows: def text(s): """Return a nice string representation of the object. The return value is a basestring instance. """ if isinstance(s, basestring): return s r = s.__str__() if not isinstance(s, basestring): raise TypeError('__str__ returned non-string') return r Note that it is currently possible, although not very useful, to write __str__ methods that return unicode instances. The %s format specifier for str objects would be changed to call text() on the argument. Currently it calls str() unless the argument is a unicode instances (in which case the object is substituted as is). The following function would be added to the C API and would be the equivalent of the text() function: PyObject *PyObject_Text(PyObject *o); A reference implementation is available on Sourceforge [1] as a patch. Backwards Compatibility The change to the %s format specifier would result in some % operations returning a unicode instance rather than raising a UnicodeDecodeError exception. It seems unlikely that the change would break currently working code. Alternative Solutions Rather than adding the text() built-in, if PEP 246 were implemented then adapt(s, basestring) could be equivalent to text(s). The advantage would be one less built-in function. The problem is that PEP 246 is not implemented. Fredrik Lundh has suggested [2] that perhaps a new slot should be added (e.g. __text__), that could return any kind of string that's compatible with Python's text model. That seems like an attractive idea but many details would still need to be worked out. Instead of providing the text() built-in, the %s format specifier could be changed and a string format could be used instead of calling text(). However, it seems like the operation is important enough to justify a built-in. People would probably become upset if unicode() was removed and they were told to use a unicode format operation instead. Instead of providing the text() built-in, the basestring type could be changed to provide the same functionality. That would possibly be confusing behavior for an abstract base type. Some people have suggested [3] that an easier migration path would be to change the default encoding to be UTF-8. Code that is not Unicode safe would then encode Unicode strings as UTF-8 and operate on them as str instances, rather than raising a UnicodeDecodeError exception. Other code would assume that str instances were encoded using UTF-8 and decode them if necessary. While that solution may work for some applications, it seems unsuitable as a general solution. For example, some applications get string data from many different sources and assuming that all str instances were encoded using UTF-8 could easily introduce subtle bugs. References [1] [2] [3] Acknowledgements The following people assisted in the writing of this PEP: David Binger, Marc-Andre Lemburg. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 End: